Volunteer Canada -Youth VQ Quiz
2. Rank this wish list
CLICK and DRAG to rank your list from Most Important (1) to Least Important (6)
- All vehicles are using renewable resources
- Equality in workplaces
- Arts and culture is free and accessible
- Free access to education for all
- No more war and conflict
- Humans are free from illness and disease
3. What couple would you want to invite to dinner?
ROLL OVER the images then CLICK to select your choice
4. Which news story would you likely read first?
CLICK and DRAG to rank your list from Most Important (1) to Least Important (6)
- New oil spill calls for closure of pipeline
- Fire closes shelter for homeless youth
- First Nations University of Canada becomes first urban reserve dedicated to education
- Lebron James establishes 'I Promise School' in Akron, Ohio
- Researchers close in on cure for cancer
- Indigenous artefacts returned to tribe from museum in Germany
5. When friends sell tickets to a fundraiser, which cause are you likely to support?
ROLL OVER the images then CLICK to select your choice
6. Your idea of a dream vacation is...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
My favorite place, where I've been going forever
Hitting the beach
Exploring a new Instagrammable location
Crossing something off my bucket list!
Staying home and getting through my to do list
Heading to the park or forest to go geo-caching
7. One hot summer night there's a blackout. You...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
Check your school and/or work email on your phone
Empty out the fridge and invite friends over for food
Go to bed
Message friends to go star gazing
Message the group chat and plan a hangout
Walk your dog
8. You've been invited to a big party by a casual acquaintance. You...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
Respond "yes but can I bring a friend?"
Click yes but bail for something more fun
Leave the invite on read even thought they requested to RSVP
Politely declined, because parties aren't your thing
Consider going to meet new people
Click going
9. Somebody butts in front of you at a movie line up. You...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
Don't notice because you're talking to friends
Don't say anything but you're bothered
Ask them "why are you cutting in line?"
Wouldn't happen. I stream movies from home
Don't notice, too busy scrolling through Instagram
Share a snap about the situation
10. In your spare time you are most likely to...
ROLL OVER the images then CLICK to select your choice
11. You order something online and your package is missing an item. You...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
Contact the store tomorrow to get your item shipped
Contact the store immediately and ask to have the missing item shipped right away
Insignificant dollar value, won't bother
Write a review online
Too busy, deal with it later
Think about it, then contact the store to see what can be done
12. Your manager asks you to take on a huge project. You say...
CLICK and DRAG your choice into the box below
Fantastic. I know others who will sign on to help
Amazing. I have a bunch of ideas already
Thanks. But I'm worried some co-workers will be jealous
I'd love to, just let me check my schedule
Sure, why me?
Great. I was just going to ask you about that