Corporate Citizenship


Corporate Citizenship

Corporate community engagement is gaining momentum.

SAP Canada employees planting trees with Ontario Streams

What was once limited to engaging employees through volunteering and donations,
has expanded to include catalyzing vendors, retirees and customers to create positive change in their communities. 

  • Consumers are asking for it. 
    78% of Canadians agree a company can take specific actions that both
    increase profits and improve the economic and social conditions in the community where it operates. (2017 Edelman Trust Barometer) 
  • Employees are demanding it.
    68% of Canadians say, given the choice between two jobs, they would
    choose the one at the company with the stronger volunteering culture.
    (2017 Volunteer Canada/ Ipsos Public Affairs).


Services and Supports

Whether you are looking to start a community engagement program, striving to advance your program to become best in class, or any place in between, you can find a Volunteer Canada Corporate Citizenship resource, service or support that fits your needs!